Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Getting Ready for Spaghetti

Our Small Group is sponsering a spaghetti dinner after church this Sunday to help out a needy family. It is great to see how when everyone pulls together that it's not too much work for anyone and it all gets done.

Happy Birthday Noah!

Well today is my only begotten son's sixth birthday! We are officially out of the toddler stage of life. And we don't have a teenager yet so I say we are in the Golden Years. Life is good!

The chickens are laying two dozen eggs per day on a regular basis which is great. 24 eggs from 25 chickens figues out to be 96% production which is way on the high end. We have one that lays a "doublle yoker" most days.


Welcome to our family blog. We have a small (55 acres) farm and are attempting to raise beef cattle, some hay, laying hens, honey bees, a dog and a small garden. We also have a small pond that has fish in it but they pretty much raise themselves.The Twenty-eight eleven is the name of our farm. It comes from Deutronomy 28:11 which reads: "The LORD will make you abound in prosperity, in the offspring of your body and in the offspring of your beast and in the produce of your ground in the land which the LORD swore to your fathers to give you." We count on God's blessings for our life as we know it so we thought it appropriate to go ahead and give Him all the glory for anything good that we produce, be it crops, cows, or children. This blog will be a fun project for us to document what is going on at our farm and hopefully share some natural ways of farming along the way (as we learn too).