Happy Thanksgiving to everyone! Have a blessed day counting your blessings and enjoying your friends and family. I hope your house is smelling as good as ours does. We cooked one of the hams from the pig we raised last winter and it looks and smells great. Of course I had to break into the browning bag and do a little "quality control" and it tastes pretty good as well. Only a few hours now until the festivities begin. Friends, Family and food. A great trio for my favorite Holiday.
I went deer hunting for a few minutes this morning. I looked to the west as it got daylight and it looked cloudy-dark and then it started to gently rain so I decided to head on back to the house. Hopefully I'll get another deer or two before the season ends.
We hope to pick up another piglet this weekend. I've been talking to a guy who has some that should be ready to go. we'll get some pictures of that and some other stuff around here we need to catch up on and put them up this weekend hopefully.